Prof Aidan Sims

University of Wollongong


My ORCID profile
Aidan Sims

Research Funding

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In the lists below, for those papers where the published version is freely available, the paper title is hyperlinked to a source. The links following the citation are to preprint versions.

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Research Interests and Affiliations

I am broadly interested in functional analysis, more specifically in the area of operator algebras and its applications in related fields. Much of my research is concerned with C*-algebras associated to directed graphs, to higher-rank graphs and to other combinatorial structures. These can be regarded as special cases of the theory of C*-algebras associated to Hilbert bimodules and to product systems of Hilbert bimodules, and I have a long-standing interest in these as well. More recently I have developed interests in C*-algebras associated to groupoids and to Fell bundles over groupoids, and also to the interplay between operator algebras and algebraic topology: in particular in Dixmier–Douady theory and in deformations of C*-algebras by cohomological data. I have also recently developed research programs studying the structure of equilibrium states, known as KMS states, of C*-dynamical systems; particularly in the context of C*-algebras associated to combinatorial structures. I am a professor of pure mathematics in the School of Mathematics & Applied Statistics, which belongs to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, and am a member of the Institute for Noncommutative Analysis (INCA), a research centre of the University of Wollongong's Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications.

Current research students

Previous research students

You can find here a small collection of informal notes that I have developed or that others have allowed me to post at various times.