- Office: 39C.170
- Phone: +61 2 4221 5003
- Fax: +61 2 4221 4845
- Email: asims@uow.edu.au
- Address:
- School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
- University of Wollongong
Research Funding
- National competitive grants.
2005–2008, A. Sims, Operator algebras associated to product systems, and higher-rank-graph algebras, ARC Discovery–Projects grant (Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship) DP0557243, $221K.
2006–2009, D. Pask and A. Sims, Pictures for operator algebras: higher-rank graphs, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP0665131, $279K .
2009–2011 A. Sims, Co-universal operator algebras, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP0984399, $176K.
2009–2011, A. an Huef and A. Sims, Operator algebras associated to groupoids, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP0984360, $255K. (As of January 2010, this grant is held by Aidan Sims and David Pask; Sims is lead CI.)
2010–2014 A. Sims, Operator algebras as models for dynamics and geometry, ARC Future Fellowship FT100100533, $562K.
2012–2014 A. Sims and A. Rennie, Invariants for dynamics via operator algebras, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP120100507, $435K.
2012–2014, D. Pask and A. Sims, Cohomology, symbolic dynamics and operator algebras, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP120100389, $330K.
2015–2017 A. Sims, Equilibrium states and fine structure for operator algebras, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP150101595, $345K.
2015–2017, A. Sims, D. Pask and R. Hazrat, Groupoids as bridges between algebra and analysis, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP150101598, $311K.
2018–2020, A. Sims, A. an Huef
and S. White, Taming infinite dimensions: quasidiagonality and nuclear dimension, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP180100595, $347K.
2020–2022, A. Sims, J. Ramagge, D. Pask, N. Brownlowe
and L.O. Clark, There and back again: operator algebras, algebras and dynamical systems, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP200100155, $461K.
2022–2024, A. Sims, Noncommutative analysis for self-similar structure, ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP220101631, $384K.
2025–2027, A. Sims, J. Ramagge, N. Brownlowe,
Becky Armstrong, and Anna Duwenig,
A new twist on product decompositions: twisted algebras for Zappa–Szép products., ARC Discovery–Projects grant DP250100297, $574K.
- Other funding.
2004–2005, A. Sims, Investigating the structure of C*-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs, University of Newcastle Early Career Researcher Grant, $7K.
2009, A. Sims, Stably finite operator algebras associated to graphs, University of Wollongong URC Grant, $9.6K (relinquished on award of ARC DP).
R. Hazrat and A. Sims, Graph C*-algebras, Leavitt path algebras and symbolic dynamics, AMSI workshop funding and AustMS Special Interest Meetings grant, $13.5K.
2013, N. Brownlowe,
A. Sims and
M.F. Whittaker,
Operator algebras associated to tilings, UOW University International Collaborations grant, $15K.
2016, M. Goffeng,
A. Rennie and
A. Sims,
Refining C*-algebraic invariants for dynamics using KK-theory}, MATRIX@melbourne research program, total funding $25K.
2017, N. Brown,
F. Perera,
A. Sims,
S. White, and
W. Winter,
Operator algebras: Dynamics and Interactions, Centre de Recerca Mathemàtica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, total funding €89K.
2019, N. Larsen,
M.V. Lawson,
A. Sims and
A. Vdovina,
Higher-rank graphs: geometry, symmetry, dynamics, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of
Edinburgh and Heriott–Watt University, total funding £41K.
2023, N. Larsen,
M.V. Lawson,
A. Sims,
A. Vdovina and
M.F. Whittaker
Algebra, Geometry and C*-algebras, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of
Edinburgh and Heriott–Watt University, total funding £43K.
2024, A. Duwenig,
A. an Huef,
A. Sims and
D. Yang,
Cartan subalgebras in operator algebras, and topological full groups (24w5175), Banff International Research Station, total funding CAD$50K.
In the lists below, for those papers where the published version is freely available, the paper title is hyperlinked to a source. The links following the citation are to preprint versions.
- 2001–2005
N. J. Fowler
and A. Sims,
Product systems over right-angled Artin semigroups,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
I. Raeburn,
A. Sims
and T. Yeend,
Higher-rank graphs and their C*-algebras,
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.
I. Raeburn,
A. Sims
and T. Yeend,
The C*-algebras of finitely aligned higher-rank graphs,
J. Funct. Anal.
I. Raeburn
and A. Sims,
Product systems of graphs and the C*-algebras of higher-rank graphs,
J. Operator Th.
- 2006–2008
A. Sims,
Relative Cuntz–Krieger algebras of finitely aligned higher-rank graphs,
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
A. Sims,
Gauge-invariant ideals in the C*-algebras of finitely aligned higher-rank graphs,
Canad. J. Math.
D. Pask,
I. Raeburn,
M. Rørdam
and A. Sims,
Rank-2 graphs whose C*-algebras are direct limits of circle algebras,
J. Funct. Anal.
S. Allen,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
A dual graph construction for higher-rank graphs, and K-theory for finite 2-graphs,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
Simplicity of C*-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs,
Bull. London Math. Soc.
D. Pask
A. Rennie
and A. Sims,
The noncommutative geometry of k-graph C*-algebras,
J. K-theory
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
C*-algebras associated to coverings of k-graphs,
Documenta Math.
T. Katsura,
P. Muhly,
A. Sims
and M. Tomforde,
Ultragraph C*-algebras via topological quivers,
Studia Math.
- 2009–2010
T. Katsura,
A. Sims,
and M. Tomforde,
Realizations of AF-algebras as graph algebras, Exel–Laca algebras and ultragraph algebras,
J. Funct. Anal.
D. Pask,
J. Quigg
and A. Sims,
Coverings of skew-products and crossed products by coactions,
J. Austral. Math. Soc.
C. Farthing,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Crossed products of k-graph C*-algebras by Zl,
Houston J. Math.
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
Simplicity of C*-algebras associated to row-finite locally convex higher-rank graphs,
Israel J. Math.
D. Pask
A. Rennie
and A. Sims,
Noncommutative manifolds from graph and k-graph C*-algebras,
Comm. Math. Phys.
A. Sims and
T. Yeend,
C*-algebras associated to product systems of Hilbert bimodules,
J. Operator Th.
A. Sims and
S.B.G. Webster,
A direct approach to co-universal algebras associated to directed graphs,
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2)
A. Sims,
The co-universal C*-algebra of a row-finite graph,
New York J. Math.
P. Lewin
and A. Sims,
Aperiodicity and cofinality for finitely aligned higher-rank graphs,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
T. Katsura,
P. Muhly,
A. Sims
and M. Tomforde,
Graph algebras, Exel–Laca algebras, and ultragraph algebras coincide up to Morita equivalence,
J. reine angew. Math.
V. Deaconu,
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Graphs of C*-correspondences and Fell bundles,
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
- 2011–2012
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Generalised morphisms of k-graphs: k-morphs,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
A. an Huef,
A. Kumjian
and A. Sims,
A Dixmier–Douady classification for Fell algebras,
J. Funct. Anal.
T. Carlsen,
N. Larsen,
A. Sims
and S.T. Vittadello,
Co-universal algebras associated to product systems, and gauge-invariant uniqueness theorems,
Proc. London Math. Soc.
D.G. Evans
and A. Sims,
When is the Cuntz–Krieger algebra of a higher-rank graph approximately finite-dimensional?,
J. Funct. Anal.
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Homology for higher-rank graphs and twisted C*-algebras,
J. Funct. Anal.
A. Sims and
D.P. Williams,
Renault’s equivalence theorem for reduced groupoid C*-algebras,
J. Operator Th.
- 2013–2014
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
On the K-theory of twisted higher-rank-graph C*-algebras,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
A. an Huef,
M. Laca,
I. Raeburn
and A. Sims,
KMS states on the C*-algebras of finite graphs,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
R. Hazlewood,
I. Raeburn,
A. Sims and
S.B.G. Webster,
Remarks on some fundamental results about higher-rank graphs and their C*-algebras,
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.
N. Brownlowe,
A. Sims
and S.T. Vittadello,
Co-universal C*-algebras associated to generalised graphs,
Israel J. Math
A. Sims and
D.P. Williams,
An equivalence theorem for reduced Fell bundle C*-algebras,
New York J. Math.
A. Sims and
D.P. Williams,
Amenability for Fell bundles over groupoids,
Illinois J. Math.
A. an Huef,
M. Laca,
I. Raeburn
and A. Sims,
KMS states on C*-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs,
J. Funct. Anal.
T. Carlsen,
S. Kang
J. Shotwell
and A. Sims,
The primitive ideals of the Cuntz–Krieger algebra of a row-finite higher-rank graph with no sources,
J. Funct. Anal
J.H. Brown,
L.O. Clark,
C. Farthing
and A. Sims,
Simplicity of algebras associated to étale groupoids,
Semigroup Forum
H. Li,
D. Pask,
and A. Sims,
An elementary approach to C*-algebras associated to topological graphs,
New York J. Math.
A. Sims, B. Whitehead and
M.F. Whittaker,
Twisted C*-algebras associated to finitely aligned higher-rank graphs,
Documenta Math.
S. Kang
and A. Sims,
Co-universal C*-algebras associated to aperiodic k-graphs,
Glasgow J. Math.
L.O. Clark,
C. Farthing,
A. Sims and
M. Tomforde,
A groupoid generalization of Leavitt path algebras,
Semigroup Forum
- 2015–2016
E. Ruiz,
A. Sims and
M. Tomforde,
The nuclear dimension of graph C*-algebras,
Adv. Math.
L.O. Clark and
A. Sims,
Equivalent groupoids have Morita equivalent Steinberg algebras,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
D. Pask,
A. Sierakowski
and A. Sims,
Twisted k-graph algebras associated to Bratteli diagrams,
Integral Equations Operator Theory
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
On twisted higher-rank graph C*-algebras,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
A. an Huef,
M. Laca,
I. Raeburn
and A. Sims,
KMS states on the C*-algebra of a higher-rank graph and periodicity in the path space,
J. Funct. Anal.
E. Ruiz,
A. Sims and
A.P.W. Sørensen,
UCT-Kirchberg algebras have nuclear dimension 1,
Adv. Math.
M. Laca,
N.S. Larsen,
S. Neshveyev,
A. Sims and
S.B.G. Webster,
von Neumann algebras of strongly connected higher-rank graphs,
Math. Ann. 363 (2015), Page 657–678.
A. an Huef,
M. Laca,
I. Raeburn
and A. Sims,
KMS states on the C*-algebras of reducible graphs,
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 35 (2015), 2535–2558.
D. Robertson,
J. Rout
and A. Sims,
KMS states on generalised Bunce–Deddens algebras and their Toeplitz extensions,
Bull. Malaysian Math. Sci. Soc., 2015, 10.1007/s40840-015-0244-8.
A. Sims and
D.P. Williams,
The primitive ideals of some étale groupoid C*-algebras,
Algebr. Represent. Th., 19 (2016), 255–276 10.1007/s10468-015-9573-4.
J.H. Brown,
G. Nagy
S. Reznikoff,
A. Sims,
and D.P. Williams,
Cartan subalgebras in C*-algebras of étale Hausdorff groupoids,
Integral Equations Operator Theory 85 (2016), 109–126.
S. Kaliszewski,
A. Kumjian,
J. Quigg
and A. Sims,
Topological realizations and fundamental groups of higher-rank graphs,
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 59 (2016), 143–168.
J.H. Brown,
L.O. Clark,
A. Sierakowski
and A. Sims,
Purely infinite simple C*-algebras that are principal groupoid C*-algebras,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 439 (2016), 213–234.
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask,
A. Sims and
M.F. Whittaker,
Topological spaces associated to higher-rank graphs,
J. Combinatorial Th. A. 143 (2016), 19–41.
L.O. Clark,
A. an Huef,
and A. Sims,
AF-embeddability of 2-graph algebras and quasidiagonality of k-graph algebras,
J. Funct. Anal., 271 (2016), 958–991.
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Simplicity of twisted C*-algebras of higher-rank graphs and crossed products by quasifree actions,
J. Noncommut. Geom., 10 (2016), 515–549.
T.M. Carlsen,
and A. Sims,
On Hong and Szymanski's description of the primitive-ideal space of a graph algebra,
in Operator algebras and Applications, Carlsen, Larsen, Neshveyev and Skau (eds),
The Abel Symposium 2015, Springer 2016, pp 109–126.
- 2017–2018
A. Rennie,
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
The extension class and KMS states for Cuntz–Pimsner algebras of some bi-Hilbertian bimodules,
J. Topol. Anal., 9 (2017), 297–327.
P. Ara,
J. Bosa,
R. Hazrat,
and A. Sims,
Reconstruction of graded groupoids from graded Steinberg algebras,
Forum Math. 28 (2017), 1023--1037.
T.M. Carlsen,
E. Ruiz,
and A. Sims,
Equivalence and stable isomorphism of groupoids, and diagonal-preserving stable isomorphisms of graph C*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145 (2017), 1581–1592.
A. Rennie,
and A. Sims,
Non-commutative vector bundles for non-unital algebras,
SIGMA 13 (2017), 041, 12 pages.
A. Rennie,
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
Groupoid algebras as Cuntz–Pimsner algebras,
Math. Scand. 120 (2017), 115–123.
A. Rennie,
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
Groupoid Fell bundles for product systems over quasi-lattice ordered groups,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 163 (2017), 561--580.
D. Pask,
A. Sierakowski
and A. Sims,
Real rank and topological dimension of higher rank graph algebras,
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 66 (2017) 2137–2168.
J.N. Renault,
A. Sims,
D.P. Williams,
and T. Yeend,
Uniqueness theorems for topological higher-rank graph C*-algebras,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146 (2018), 669–684.
M. Ionescu,
A. Kumjian,
A. Sims,
and D.P. Williams,
A stabilization theorem for Fell bundles over groupoids,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 148 (2018), 79–100.
P. Ara,
R. Hazrat,
H. Li,
and A. Sims,
Graded Steinberg algebras and their representations,
Algebra Number Theory, 12 (2018), 131–172.
J. Claramunt and
A. Sims,
Preferred traces on C*-algebras of self-similar groupoids arising as fixed points,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 466 (2018), 806–818.
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Graded C*-algebras, graded K-theory and twisted P-graph algebras,
J. Operator Th. 80 (2018), 295–348.
P. Hajac,
R. Nest,
D. Pask,
A. Sims,
and B. Zielinski,
Noncommutative line bundles associated to twisted multipullback quantum odd spheres,
J. Noncommutative Geometry 12 (2018), 823–863.
- 2019–2020
N. Brownlowe,
M. Hawkins,
and A. Sims,
The Toeplitz noncommutative solenoid and its KMS states,
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Sysems 39 (2019), 105–131.
A. Rennie,
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
Poincaré duality for Cuntz–Pimsner algebras of bimodules,
Adv. Math. 347 (2019), 1112--1172.
doi: 10.1016/j.aim.2019.02.032
M. Ionescu,
A. Kumjian,
A. Sims,
and D.P. Williams,
The Dixmier–Douady classes of certain groupoid C*-algebras with continuous trace,
J. Operator Th. 81 (2019), 401–431.
A. Sims,
The suspension of a graph, and associated C*-algebras,
J. Funct. Anal. 277 (2019), 1202–1257.
L.O. Clark,
R. Exel,
E. Pardo,
A. Sims, and
C. Starling,
Simplicity of algebras associated to non-Hausdorff groupoids,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), 3669–3712.
C. Farsi,
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Ample groupoids: equivalence, homology, and Matui's HK-conjecture,
Münster J. Math. 12 (2019), 411–451.
L.O. Clark,
C. Edie-Michell
A. an Huef,
and A. Sims,
Ideals in Steinberg algebras of strongly effective groupoids, with applications to Leavitt path algebras,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 5461–5486.
C. Bruce,
M. Laca,
J. Ramagge
and A. Sims,
Equilibrium states and growth rates of quasi-lattice ordered groups,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 2389–2404.
D. Pask,
A. Sierakowski
and A. Sims,
Unbounded quasitraces, stable finiteness and pure infiniteness,
Houston J. Math. 45 (2019), 763–814.
T. Rainone
and A. Sims,
A dichotomy for groupoid C*-algebras,
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 40 (2020), 521–563.
N. Brownlowe,
M. Laca,
D. Robertson
and A. Sims,
Reconstructing directed graphs from generalised gauge actions on their Toeplitz algebras,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 150 (2020), 2632–2641.
Z. Afsar,
A. an Huef,
I. Raeburn,
and A. Sims,
Equilibrium states on higher-rank Toeplitz noncommutative solenoids,
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 40 (2020), 2881–2912.
- 2021–2022
M. Ionescu,
A. Kumjian,
J.N. Renault,
A. Sims,
and D.P. Williams,
C*-algebras of extensions of groupoids by group bundles,
J. Funct. Anal. 280 (2021), 108892.
Q. Patterson,
A. Sierakowski,
A. Sims,
and J. Taylor,
Graded K-theory and K-homology of relative Cuntz–Pimsner algebras and graph C*-algebras,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 496 (2021), 124822.
Z. Afsar
and A. Sims,
KMS states on the C*-algebras of Fell bundles over groupoids,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philosoph. Soc. 170 (2021), 221–246.
R. Hazrat,
D. Pask,
A. Sierakowski
and A. Sims,
An algebraic analogue of Exel–Pardo C*-algebras,
Algebr. Represent. Th. 24 (2021), 877–909.
T.M. Carlsen,
E. Ruiz,
A. Sims,
and M. Tomforde
Reconstruction of groupoids and C*-rigidity of dynamical systems,
Adv. Math 390 (2021), 107923.
M. Ionescu,
A. Kumjian,
J.N. Renault,
A. Sims,
and D.P. Williams,
Pushouts of groupoids by bundles of abelian groups,
New Zealand J. Math. 52 (2021) (Vaughan Jones Memorial Special Issue), 561–581.
D. Pask,
A. Sierakowski
and A. Sims,
Structure theory and stable rank for C*-algebras of finite higher-rank graphs,
Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., 64 (2021), 822–847. doi:10.1017/S0013091521000626
A. Buss
and A. Sims,
Opposite algebras of groupoid C*-algebras,
Israel J. Math, 244 (2021), 759–774.
P. Ara,
J. Bosa,
E. Pardo,
and A. Sims,
The groupoids of adaptable separated graphs and their type semigroup,
Int. Math. Res. Not. (2021), 15444–15496.
J. Fletcher,
E. Gillaspy,
and A. Sims,
Homotopy of product systems and K-theory of Cuntz–Nica–Pimsner algebras,
Indiana U. Math. J. 71 (2022), 307–338.
J. Bosa,
J. Gabe,
A. Sims,
and S. White,
The nuclear dimension of O∞-stable C*-algebras,
Adv. Math. 401 (2022), 108250, 51 pp.
S. Eilers,
E. Ruiz,
and A. Sims,
Amplified graph C*-algebras II: Reconstruction,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 9 (2022), 297–310.
- 2023–
A. an Huef,
A.C.S. Ng,
and A. Sims,
Stably finite extensions of rank-two graph C*-algebras,
J. Operator Th. 90 (2023), 263–310.
B. Armstrong,
G. de Castro,
L.O. Clark,
K. Courtney,
Y-F. Lin,
K. McCormick,
J. Ramagge,
A. Sims,
and B. Steinberg,
Reconstruction of twisted Steinberg algebras,
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2023 (2023), 2474–2542.
B. Armstrong,
N. Brownlowe, and
A. Sims,
Simplicity of twisted C*-algebras of Deaconu–Renault groupoids,
J. Noncommut. Geom., published online first (2023), 1–48.
doi: 10.4171/JNCG/527
R. Frausino,
A.C.S. Ng,
and A. Sims,
Reconstruction of topological graphs and their Hilbert modules,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, published online first (2022), 1–26.
doi: 10.1017/prm.2023.99
M.V. Lawson,
A. Sims, and
A. Vdovina,
Higher dimensional generalizations of the Thompson groups via higher rank graphs,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 228 (2024), 107456.
K.A. Brix,
T.M. Carlsen, and
A. Sims,
Some results regarding the ideal structure of C*-algebras of étale groupoids,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 109 (2024), e12870.
- In press
N. Brownlowe,
A. Buss,
C. Gonçalves,
J.B. Hume,
and A. Sims,
and M.F. Whittaker
KK duality for self-similar groupoid actions on graphs,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.
K.A. Brix,
T.M. Carlsen, and
A. Sims,
Ideal structure of C*-algebras of commuting local homeomorphisms,
Math. Ann. to appear.
A. Mundey
A. Sims,
Homology and twisted C*-algebras for self-similar actions and Zappa-Szép products,
Res. Math., to appear.
B. Armstrong,
A.C.S. Ng,
A. Sims, and
Y. Zhou,
A twist over a minimal étale groupoid that is topologically nontrivial over the interior of the isotropy,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.
- Preprints
A. Duwenig
A. Sims,
Smooth Cartan triples and Lie twists over Hausdorff étale Lie groupoids,
preprint 2023.
N. Brownlowe,
A. Kumjian,
D. Pask
and A. Sims,
Embeddability of higher-rank graphs in groupoids, and the structure of their C*-algebras,
preprint 2024.
S. Evington,
A.C.S. Ng,
A. Sims, and
S. White
Nuclear dimension of extensions of extensions of commutative C*-algebras by Kirchberg algebras,
preprint 2024.
A. Mundey
A. Sims,
Self-similar groupoid actions on k-graphs, and invariance of K-theory for cocycle homotopies,
preprint 2024.
T. Carlsen,
A. Duwenig,
E. Ruiz and
A. Sims,
Norm upper-semicontinuity of functions supported on open abelian isotropy in étale groupoids (a corrigendum to "Reconstruction of groupoids and C*-rigidity of dynamical systems," Adv. Math 390 (2021), 107923),
preprint 2024 (arXiv identifier pending).
- Other
A. Sims and
B. Sims,
Assessing the minimality of change in belief revision: capacities,
in Frontiers in Belief Revision,
Mary-Anne Williams and
Hans Rott
Applied Logic Series,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
I. Raeburn,
A. Sims and
D. P. Williams,
Twisted actions and obstructions in group cohomology,
in C*-algebras: Proceedings of the SFB Workshop on C*-algebras,
Münster, Germany, March 8–12,
J. Cuntz and
S. Echterhoff
A. Sims,
C*-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs,
PhD Thesis,
University of Newcastle Australia,
A. Sims
Graphs and C*-algebras,
invited technical article, Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society
A. Sims
Hausdorff étale groupoids and their C*-algebras,
in “Operator algebras and dynamics: groupoids, crossed products
and Rokhlin dimension” (F. Perera, Ed.) in Advanced Courses in Mathematics. CRM Barcelona, Birkhäuser, 2020.
Research Interests and Affiliations
I am broadly interested in functional analysis, more specifically in the area of operator algebras and its applications in related fields.
Much of my research is concerned with C*-algebras associated to directed graphs, to higher-rank graphs and to other combinatorial structures.
These can be regarded as special cases of the theory of C*-algebras associated to Hilbert bimodules and to product systems of Hilbert
bimodules, and I have a long-standing interest in these as well. More recently I have developed interests in C*-algebras associated to
groupoids and to Fell bundles over groupoids, and also to the interplay between operator algebras and algebraic topology: in particular in
Dixmier–Douady theory and in deformations of C*-algebras by cohomological data. I have also recently developed research programs
studying the structure of equilibrium states, known as KMS states, of C*-dynamical systems; particularly in the context of
C*-algebras associated to combinatorial structures.
I am a professor of pure mathematics in the School of Mathematics & Applied Statistics, which belongs to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, and am a member of the Institute for Noncommutative Analysis (INCA), a research centre of the University of Wollongong's Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications.
Current research students
Previous research students
- Rodrigo Frausino: Reconstruction: compact topological graphs & Hilbert bimodules over commutative C*-algebras. Submitted 2024.
- Isnie Yusnitha: Cuntz–Krieger algebras associated to self-similar groupoids. Submitted 2023.
- Joel Zimmerman: Weakly Cartan subalgebras and C*-algebras of twists. Co-supervised with David Pask. Graduated 2023.
- Nick Seaton: The Brauer group for Fell algebras. Co-supervised with David Pask. Graduated 2022.
- Rhys MacDonald: Twisted groupoid C*-algebras and KMS states. (M.Phil) Co-supervised with David Pask. Graduated 2020.
- Alex Mundey: The noncommutative dynamics and topology of iterated function systems. Co-supervised with Adam Rennie. Graduated 2020.
- Becky Armstrong: Simplicity of twisted C*-algebras of topological higher-rank graphs. Co-supervised with Nathan Brownlowe. Graduated 2019.
- Michael Mampusti: Equilibrium states and Cuntz–Pimsner algebras on Mauldin–Williams graphs. Co-supervised with Mike Whittaker and David Pask. Graduated 2019.
- James Fletcher: Iterating the Cuntz–Nica–Pimsner construction for product systems. Co-supervised with Adam Rennie. Graduated 2017.
- James Rout: Actions of graphs on topological spaces and generalised Bunce–Deddens algebras.Co-supervised with Dave Robertson. Graduated 2017.
- Dr Mitchell Hawkins: Applications of compact topological graph C*-algebras to noncommutative solenoids. Co-supervised with Nathan Brownlowe. Graduated 2015.
- Dr Hui Li: Twisted C*-algebras associated to topological graphs. Co-supervised with David Pask. Graduated 2014.
- Dr Yuxiang Tang: Tiling systems and 2-graphs associated to textile systems. Co-supervised with David Pask. Graduated 2014.
- Dr Peter Lewin: The structure and ergodic theory of higher-rank graph algebras. Co-supervised with Iain Raeburn. Graduated 2012.
- Dr Samuel B.G. Webster: Directed graphs and k-graphs: topology of the path space and how it manifests in the associated C*-algebra. Co-supervised with Iain Raeburn. Graduated 2011.
You can find here a small collection of informal notes that I have developed or that others have allowed me to post at various times.